Saturday 2 May 2015

Bohye's ART Museum Visit

Hi I am Bohye!

Last summer, my family and I decided to travel around Europe in countries like Switzerland, England, Italy and France. While staying in France we got an opportunity to visit The Louvre ART museum. The museum was huge and there so many paintings to see that I didn't get to see all of them. However as I was walking around, I was amazed at how delicate and exquisite every single works were. I was especially amazed at the large sized canvas paintings (just imagine how long those would've taken to draw!), and all the sculptures were really detailed as well. I was most excited to go see the famous Mona Lisa. At first I was shocked at how small the actual drawing was in real life, however as I got closer to the drawing I was amazed at how beautiful it was. Although our main goals of the visit was to look at the Mona Lisa, I was also surprised by the interior of The Louvre. It seemed like a castle and each room seemed different from the previous one. The way they had maintained it helped the rooms keep the style from the time it was built, they all looked fancy in a vintage way. Another thing that amazed me was the long hallways that were fully covered by amazing artworks from top to bottom. It was mesmerising and I had never seen such a beautiful hallway before! After the visit to The Louvre, my interest towards art has grown.

When we were in Rome, we visited the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. In this museum, there was the painting 'The Creation of Adam' by Michelangelo. Just like The Louvre, every part of this museum was different and even the hallways were fully decorated. The whole time, my dad and I were trying to look for 'The Creation of Adam', however it was nowhere to be found. Later on we walked into a room with guards at the doors and signs saying 'NO PHOTOGRAPHY' and on the top ceiling of that room was the painting. Once again we were quite shocked by how small it actually was, but it looked so detailed and it was surrounded by so many other amazingly done paintings.

After my visit to these two fabulous museums I have been fascinated by art and the history behind it. Have you ever been to an art museum anywhere around the world?

The Louvre (Credits:

Rooms in The Louvre (Credits:

Sistine Chapel Room (Credit:

The Creation of Adam (Credit:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bo Hye, I have also visited Le Louvre and feel the same way you do about the paintings. They must have taken so much effort, skill, technique and time! The architecture and interior design was also something quite amazing, being in the building itself was an experience. Do you think you will take any inspiration or techniques from the paintings you saw at Le Louvre and apply them to your painting in this art project?
