Sunday 22 March 2015

{Shiv} 8VGOod Art!

Hi, my name is Shiv.
I like quite a lot of things, a few are: tennis, video games, and sometimes making pictures online (photoshop etc).
Here is something I made from combining a few different objects (shivkazuto is the name of a Minecraft account I shared with my friend) + text, with an image editing tool:
Some types of art I like are 1) 3-D art and 2) (not sure if this is a specific type) multi-colored art
Here is an example of the second one:
I’m not sure; I’m just really amused by this type of art and I really like it.
It also seems that this took a ton of effort to make, and that’s another thing that I feel makes artists good! (I DIDN’T MAKE IT!!)
Thanks for reading! Here's a question for you; what type of art do you like?


  1. Hey Shiv!
    Wow your photoshop work is really well done!
    I think that the way you have put the text, image and background together was really natural and blends well together.
    I haven't seen alot of computer arts but that cat piece is really unique!
    If you ever do make a piece of work on your laptop, be sure to post it because I can't wait to see your work! -Bohye

  2. Hey Shiv!
    I really like the way you used photoshop for your picture, it looks really nice. I also really like playing tennis as a hobby. The way you used Photoshop is really nice. I wanted to ask, what Photoshop did you use, and how did you do it? A polish is to add more color to your first artwork, it was mainly blue, white, and green. That would be really nice. Keep up the Photoshop and Artistic skills and work.

    1. Hi Haris, thanks for the feedback! Well, I didn't spend much time on that as it was kind of a last-minute project, but I spent some effort in it. I believe I used Photoshop CC CS5, and how I did that was I compiled a bunch of shapes together as well as got some stock art of a Mario series character (Luigi), and I outlined it a bit to make it look better and of course used text for the username. Thanks for the feedback, will definitely use it in my next photoshop work!

  3. Hi Shiv,
    Really cool art that you made, mixing Luigi with and Minecraft is a really cool art project in my opinion, because I am really interested in video games, and the way you mixed both thing really caught my attention, great work, I also really like the cat picture, even though its not yours, I think you can work to replicate that if you ever have to replicate art. One question, what made you think of those specific games, why not something from a different game like zelda or something, why Luigi not Mario? One thing I would do differently is maybe in the background, instead of that hand pointing maybe something more related to video games, like maybe a knight holding a sword in the same direction. Good photoshop though, really cool!

    1. Hi Karim, thanks for the feedback! I feel that the luigi and the skateboard fit well together as well as the pointing because it relates to a Mario game I played in the past. I like luigi more just from personal experience and I also like Minecraft so I liked to mix it. Also, you are right however; next time I should probably add in a Zelda sword or something! Thank you :)
