Monday 4 May 2015

Arjun Kohli - Flowers

For my new post, I wanted to show you guys a photo that I took two years ago for a photography project in school that I thought had a strong message that the viewers would be able to decrypt just from the picture. I also thought that this message is different for everyone depending on how their look at things optimistically or pessimistically. One were to look at this optimistically is that they are not the only flower left and that they do with what we have. However, there are people who still look at this pessimistically by think of this as dark and gloomy and thinking that there are no other floors. Just like how some people see the glass half empty instead of the glass half full. This is how this image speaks to me. I would like to know how this image speaks to you. Please reply back with how it does. Thanks Lads!


  1. Hi Arjun! This is Kelly Huh from Xiamen International School. Your artwork is really cool! I like the water in the middle of the floor and the black and white effect. It looks very lonely and the floor looks like endless. I love the message you are telling us!

  2. Hey Arjun!
    I remember doing this project in grade 6 as well :)
    I really like how you kept the flowers nature and placed it on man made concrete, which creates a really gloomy thought of how much we are affecting the nature. I also like how you didn't use that many flowers as the smaller it is, the stronger the message is. However next time, I think you could keep abit of the focus on the flower! :) -Bo

  3. I like the black & white filter, but I had trouble understanding that the objects were flowers.

  4. Hello, I really like your photo, just wondering if you enjoy photography at your own time?

  5. I like the black and white filter as well. I just had a bit of a hard time understanding flowers. Nice photo, make it a bit understandable, as a polish. One thing that I liked, was the appearance of the water in the photo. nice work
