Saturday 21 March 2015

Alard's Art

Hi, I am Alard and I am 14 years old. I was born in Germany and am half Cantonese and another half German. I love in Singapore since the the beginning of 2014 and have been going to United World College since. I have various different interests such as cooking (especially barbecuing) and I enjoy swimming. I like to take photographs and eat (in particular my own food). I take joy in travelling with my family as this is a great opportunity for me to learn new cultures, foods and sports. I go to UWCSEA in Singapore and am located at Dover campus. I was introduce to art at a very young age but have found Photography the most fun for me, however I also like sketching and some painting. I hope you can guys can give me some feedback on where I improve on, so that I wont make the same mistake twice. Thanks for readings this and hope you will be entertained by our Blog.


  1. Hi Alard! I love the depth of field in this photo you have shared with us. Hopefully in the future I will get to see more of your photographs! What is your favourite food?

  2. Hi Alard! I love the depth of field in this photo you have shared with us. Hopefully in the future I will get to see more of your photographs! What is your favourite food?

  3. Hey Alard!
    As Rosie said I really like how you took a photo from a different depth and I really like that you took a photo from the plate not above it, it really makes the food look delicious! I hope you continue taking photos because I am more than excited to see them! -Bohye
