Sunday 15 March 2015

Adi's Art

Hi, I am Aditya and I am turning 14 this year. I am of Indian nationality and I go to a school named United World College of South East Asia. I joined UWCSEA in Grade 6, and this is currently my third year at UWCSEA. I have many various likes and interests. I enjoy playing sports, and especially enjoy playing football as I find it very fun and engaging. I have also recently started playing softball and I find it very interesting too. I also like reading books, particularly of crime fiction and sci-fi genres. My favourite type of art is photography as I like editing images, and I am better at taking photos rather than drawing or painting. I also like photography as I have the ability to take multiple photos, and choose the best one. Finally, I like photography as I believe that photography has the ability to convey messages and ideas stronger than other forms of art, such as paintings. Some advice I would like is would be how to improve on my artworks, as sometimes feedback can be very helpful and can help me improve on some areas, and can help change my artwork entirely. One thing I really enjoyed in art was the Chiang Mai Art Looking as we were able to express the contrast between Singapore and Thailand through our artworks. Below is a picture of my Chiang Mai Art Looking Log.

If there is anything you like about my art, on anywhere I could improve, please do not hesitate to leave a comment!

Chiang Mai Looking Log


  1. Hi Aditya! Could you please attach an image of your artwork?

    1. lol PD I think he added one now

    2. Hi Pratyay,
      I have attached an image of my artwork. I do not know why you could not view it but it is attached.

  2. Dear Adi,

    I really enjoyed reading this due to its detail, however could you please attach a image of an artwork you did.


    1. Hi Alard,
      Thank you for those kind words and I am glad to see you enjoyed reading this. It seems you have the same issue as Pratyay.
      I have attached my artwork and you should be able to view it now.


  3. Hey Adi!
    I really think you did a great job on showing the contrast of Singapore and Chiang Mai through your artwroks. I really like how on your window art, you used different colors for each glass. One thing I think that you could add would be that you could trace over your pencil art with darker pens so that it stands out a bit more? Other than that this is really amazing!
    I can't wait to see your other works! -Bohye

    1. Hi Bohye,
      Thank you for the wonderful feedback. I really appreciate your comments and I will take note of use darker pens to outline my figures better for future references. Thank you for those kind words!

      Did you mean artworks instead of artwroks? :)
