Sunday 15 March 2015

Carla's Art

Hi, my name is Carla. I’m 14 years old and live in Singapore. I’m Italian, Swiss and American. I support the Boston Red Sox. I have two sisters. Here is a picture of my looking log I made in Art Class. It compares some things in Singapore to others in Chiang Mai. I hope you like it, if there is anything you think I could improve on please leave a comment!


  1. Thank you for sharing your work, Carla. It's great to be able to see Chang Mai 'your way' through these diverse works.

  2. Hi Carla! I really like your looking log, especially the section with different pictures of Chiang Mai cut out into the shape of elephant heads. That is a really cool idea because the elephant is a very important creature in Thailand. I also really like your photo shop because it shows the busy city side of Singapore. Maybe it is just the picture, but I think you should make he details on the bottom right piece of work stronger as they are hard to make out. Nevertheless this is a great piece of work!

  3. Hey Carla!, just as Rosie pointed out I think the piece with the elephant heads is really cool. It's different from other ones I've seen before and I think that the way you made the writing run down was unique. I also really like how you didn't paint colours off the palette but made it look washed out by adding water, can't wait to see your future artworks!
