Monday 4 May 2015

Arjun Kohli - Flowers

For my new post, I wanted to show you guys a photo that I took two years ago for a photography project in school that I thought had a strong message that the viewers would be able to decrypt just from the picture. I also thought that this message is different for everyone depending on how their look at things optimistically or pessimistically. One were to look at this optimistically is that they are not the only flower left and that they do with what we have. However, there are people who still look at this pessimistically by think of this as dark and gloomy and thinking that there are no other floors. Just like how some people see the glass half empty instead of the glass half full. This is how this image speaks to me. I would like to know how this image speaks to you. Please reply back with how it does. Thanks Lads!

Sunday 3 May 2015

Kim's Artwork

Hello, I’m Kim! I made this piece in my free time and it took me several hours (mainly because I kept redoing the colours). I like to try out colours on the side before adding them in so that I always have a reference point in case I need to touch up colours later. This was just an experiment so I’d really love to hear some feedback!

Rafael's Food Photography

One of our most recent projects in art was food photography. This food that we were supposed to take a photo of had to define you as a person. As you can see I chose dumplings. I feel this defines me as dumplings can be cooked in many different ways: fried, steamed, grilled, etc.  There are also a variety of options to be placed inside the dumpling such as vegetables, chicken or pork.
It is a quite versatile dish and I think of myself as an adaptable type of person. It is an also Asian dish and I am also from the Philippines.

Carla's Art Project

In case you have not heard; our next project in class is food that defines you. I choose to draw ice cream for several reasons. The first reason being that gelato, ice cream, is Italian, which I coincidentally am. Also, ice cream comes in a lot of different flavours, you can get chocolate or vanilla. Some people might prefer lemon sorbet or strawberry. If you are more adventurous you might choose something crazy, something you cant get anywhere else. I feel like this defines me because sometimes I’ll be in a great mood, and other times, not so much. 
I don’t have a picture of my work yet but as soon as I do I’ll post it. Hope you like the idea. If you where to do this project, what food would you choose to draw?

Alex's Food Photography (and Doodles)

For my second entry, I decided I would post a photo of one of the photos I took from the food photography unit. Although this won't be the photo I'll be painting (because I'll be using a picture of sushi), I thought this photo was also rather nice. So this photo is of pho (noodles from Vietnam), which I really like.
I also decided to post a picture of some quick doodles, because I really love to doodle, and I'd say it's my favourite type of Art.


On my second blog entry I would like to show you guys what I made in DT however this would not be realated to Art. So I took photos of it and used some of the techniques such as depth of field. I hope you guys enjoy it and feel free to comment on it at the bottom.

[Shiv] Art Food Project!

Hi, I'm Shiv and currently in our Art class we are doing a project called 'Food Photography'. I chose this brownie and the other items on the plate because I like the way it's arranged; I generally don't like to be disorganized with my things, and on this plate the food looks rather organized.
It also has lots of different types of food, and I like a lot of things (as hobbies etc) so I think this fits well with me!
Well, the colors also seem quite 'radiant' and I wouldn't say I'm much of a radiant person but it does add to the texture of the image!
Also everything is neatly set out and I don't like things to be messy, like I stated before, so this picture describes me well!
We are going to paint this in class but first we need to enlarge the image!
This will be a challenge but fun!
Do you like to paint pictures of food?

Irene's Post

Yo what's up! As you may or may not know, I am Irene. For my second post in this blog I decided to show you this is a picture I took for our art class. We are meant to draw and paint these. I choose to do this type of food because it kinda shows a bit about me. Fries are originated in Belgium and I am from Belgium, so yea. Plus I love eating them too :P The reason why I didn't decide to do a picture of a waffle or chocolate is because I think that it's kinda stereotypical and that not many people (that I know) know that fries actually originate form Belgium and not the US. Even though I am a HUGH chocoloholic and love waffles, I guess I wanted to try something different. I hope I get to know some of you guys and maybe we could E-mail each other or something (

President Gus' Art Looking Log

For my second entry I decided to post a piece of artwork that I put a lot of time and effort into. As a class we worked on this for more than 6 weeks, in two different countries. This is my looking log, comparing Thailand/ Chiang Mai and Singapore.

Arran's Photography Project

Here is a video that I made during our photography unit about playing piano and breaking my arm.

I made it using iMovie, and most of the photos were taken by me, others taken by friends and family. It part of our photography unit where we had to take a variety of photos such as long shots, close ups, depth of field shots, about a certain subject and make a small story based on it, so I chose piano as a topic and made a story with breaking my arm and being unable to play, which actually happened last year, so I had to dig up some photos from last year when i had my cast on.

The photos are mainly black and white, and most shots are closeups, because long shots were difficult mainly due to the placement of the piano and there isn't much space to take such a photo.
I hope you like my video!


Hi, This is a photo I took a couple of days ago in the Tiger balm gardens in Haw Pa Villa.
There were many interesting sculptures and mythes about what happens after you pass away. If you have not been here before or if you come visit Singapore this will be a nice place to go. I hope you like these photos. Jess

Saturday 2 May 2015

Madeline in her free time

Hey, so the only time I really do anything art related is when I'm bored or have spare time and nothing better is around. I like too doodle and copy drawings (even though they usually turn out bad). Recently i have been copying drawings of dancers and gymnasts.

Here is one i did a while ago: (its pretty bad)

Something I  did on Deviantart Muro:

I have recently found something very interesting through tumblr. It is a style called 'dotilism' and it looks pretty cool. There are a few artists who turn their prints into fabric products.

Here is what the art style looks like: (I really want to try this out)

What do you guys like to do in your free time? Is there any cool art styles you really like?


Bohye's ART Museum Visit

Hi I am Bohye!

Last summer, my family and I decided to travel around Europe in countries like Switzerland, England, Italy and France. While staying in France we got an opportunity to visit The Louvre ART museum. The museum was huge and there so many paintings to see that I didn't get to see all of them. However as I was walking around, I was amazed at how delicate and exquisite every single works were. I was especially amazed at the large sized canvas paintings (just imagine how long those would've taken to draw!), and all the sculptures were really detailed as well. I was most excited to go see the famous Mona Lisa. At first I was shocked at how small the actual drawing was in real life, however as I got closer to the drawing I was amazed at how beautiful it was. Although our main goals of the visit was to look at the Mona Lisa, I was also surprised by the interior of The Louvre. It seemed like a castle and each room seemed different from the previous one. The way they had maintained it helped the rooms keep the style from the time it was built, they all looked fancy in a vintage way. Another thing that amazed me was the long hallways that were fully covered by amazing artworks from top to bottom. It was mesmerising and I had never seen such a beautiful hallway before! After the visit to The Louvre, my interest towards art has grown.

When we were in Rome, we visited the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. In this museum, there was the painting 'The Creation of Adam' by Michelangelo. Just like The Louvre, every part of this museum was different and even the hallways were fully decorated. The whole time, my dad and I were trying to look for 'The Creation of Adam', however it was nowhere to be found. Later on we walked into a room with guards at the doors and signs saying 'NO PHOTOGRAPHY' and on the top ceiling of that room was the painting. Once again we were quite shocked by how small it actually was, but it looked so detailed and it was surrounded by so many other amazingly done paintings.

After my visit to these two fabulous museums I have been fascinated by art and the history behind it. Have you ever been to an art museum anywhere around the world?

The Louvre (Credits:

Rooms in The Louvre (Credits:

Sistine Chapel Room (Credit:

The Creation of Adam (Credit:

Rosie's Food Project

Recently in class we have been working on a project in which we have to find a picture of food which we believe represents or describes ourselves, which we will eventually paint. When I was deciding how to set u my picture, I had to think of composition and the colours I was using because these would also reflect on the message of the painting.

For my final image I chose an onion and a spice (dill) I chose these because the spice represented he fact that even though I am just a tiny part of something larger, I still am very important and contain a very important 'flavour' and the onion that I was more than meets the eye and that I have different layers to me. I also think that the colours of these two ingredients go well together and with the plate I have used. The picture is quite minimalist and does not contain very complex and intricate things because I have hardly painted properly before and did not want to jump straight into the deep end. I also think keeping it simple will hopefully help me build some basic skills which will help me in the future.

The picture I have chosen to paint

Adi Food Project

Hey there again, my name is Aditya! For our ongoing art project, we had to choose a type of food or dish which we believed represented us in the best and most ways. For my dish, I decided to do an Italian dish. Ever since I was a kid, I have never lost the taste for Italian food, especially pasta. Therefore, I decided to use an Italian dish as a basis for my food project. As mentioned before, I have a fond affection towards pasta and I thought that pasta defined me in ways. A way in which pasta defines is are that the pasta is quite adaptable and can be eaten with various sauces, just as I have been able to adapt to different environments such as different schools, etc. in the past. Below is a photo of the dish I will be painting soon. Do you have a special connection to any dish, and does it associate you with taste, culture, etc.? Thank you for viewing this post.

Friday 1 May 2015

Caitlin's food photography

Hi again, my name is Caitlin. This is a photo I took in bali a couple of weeks ago,  I stayed at a very nice villa and every morning would wake up to a plate of delicious passion fruit. For our next art project we have to paint a food that we think describes us, I chose passion fruit because I believe I am very passionate about things, and although I'm quite hard on the outside, I have a soft inside :)

Nick's Food Project

Hello again!  For our ongoing art project, we have to paint a platter/plate of food, that has some sort of connection to us.  For example, a cultural connection.  My choice of food is Italian.  I chose it, because first of all, the food looks really great, but more importantly, I am Italian, and besides Pizza and Pasta which I eat all the time, I don't eat authentic Italian food very often, so this connects me to my culture  Below is the photo which I am going to paint.  What food do you have a connection to?  Have you ever done a similar project?  Thanks for looking!

Monday 27 April 2015

Shanaya Ramchandani Art

Hey, I am Shanaya Ramchandani from UWCSEA Dover- 8VGo. The current assignment we are working on is about food and how food defines us. We were meant to click a picture of our favourite food or food representing our country and do a still life on it. The picture below is the picture I clicked and I am currently working on my still life. Italian has always been my favourite food since I was young, so I had to base this project around this cuisine. Pasta is definitely my favourite Italian food, I enjoy eating it, cooking it and I've tried to make past from scratch a few times (however, it didn't turn out very well). I had gone to a restaurant where we ordered a Pesto, an Arrabiata, and a Bechamel base pasta, so I decided to use this for my still life. The second picture, is strawberries dipped in Nutella. Anyone who knows me, will probably know that I am absolutely obsessed with Nutella, I could have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! I very recently started liking strawberries, and I love the combination of the two. So, I set it up in a plate and took a picture of that as well. Since I couldn't decide which picture to choose, I'm doing a collaboration of the two for my still life painting. I can't wait to finish it and share it with you :)

Shanaya Ramchandani.  

Sunday 26 April 2015

Jong's Art

   Hello! My name is Jong. I am 14 years old and I'm Korean. It is my first year of UWCSEA Dover in Singapore. I lived in Korea for 12 years. My hobby is playing football. When I was young, I had a dream of being a football player, but 3 years ago, I broke my leg, so I gave up my dream. So now, I play football just as my hobby. It's sad, but I'm just happy that I can play football. As I finished primary school in Korea, I really miss my friends. 
   I really love chocolate, and I almost have it everyday after school as a snack. My sister buys me a chocolate waffle everyday, and I usually buy a chocolate bar and chocolate milk from Fair price(supermarket). This image is chocolate ice cream, milk, biscuit, sticks, and a bar. I hope you like my photo. Thank you!

Sunday 22 March 2015

Bryan's Art

Hello, my name Bryan. I am 13 years old and I am the middle child of my dad and the first of my mom. I like football and rugby. I support teams such as Arsenal and England Rugby. I am from Vietnam. Although my whole family was born in Vietnam, I was born in Singapore. I live here with my mom and my brother. My step sister lives in the UK and my dad lives in Vietnam for work reasons. I have 2 rabbits named Playboy 1 and Playboy 2.

Irene's Art

 Hey whatsup! My name is Irene and I am 14, in grade 8. My dad is Belgian and My mom is Filipino. I was born in Singapore and lived in Singapore my whole life. This is my second year in UWCSEA Dover. I have a younger sister and used to have 2 guinea pigs. I play the piano and the guitar, electric and acoustic. I like music, all types. The artwork you see is something I made on the computer. I made it like this because I like the color scheme and abstract. And I also feel like this artwork kind of shows my personality, because i am a very colorful person and have mixed personalities depending on my mood, but I am mostly fun, friendly and outgoing. Also this artwork didn’t really take me too long, but a fair amount. I really like all of your artworks and hope maybe we could be friends if not acquaintances. I would also love some feedback from you. :)

Alex's Art

Hi, My name is Alex, and I’m 14. I’m British and Japanese. This my first year at UWCSEA, but it is my fourth year in Singapore. I like to play sports (such as running, softball and netball). I also play the violin, guitar and ukulele, and I love music in general.

I’d say that my favourite type of art is doodling, because I really like to draw patterns. When I’m told to draw or paint on the spot, I find it impossible, and don’t like to do it.
Below, you can see my Chiang Mai looking log. This is one of the projects I have enjoyed most this year, and I tried to use as many different forms of art as I could.

Gideon's Art

Hello, My name is Gideon.
 I am 14 years old and I'm from Russia and Israel. I have an older brother who's 6 years older than me and is serving in the Israeli army, and my favourite sports is football. My favourite football team is Liverpool FC. And I spend most of my free time either cycling, playing video games or sleeping. I have one dog called Teffy and this is my first year in UWC Dover though it's my fourth year in Singapore. I enjoy music a lot, though just the listening part, not so much creating it. And I suppose it's the same for art personally, I do enjoy many forms of art, my favourite being abstract art such as
the piece below. Though I personally do not enjoy drawing and painting. I do however enjoy taking photographs in settings I find interesting, which is why I uploaded the photo I took above, which I slightly edited ( Didn't really positively affect the photo, rather negatively in my opinion but it was the result of merging 3 or 4 different long exposure shots along with some very rough and minimal manual merge of other photos) I took this in one of the busiest roads in Singapore, Orchard Road, when it was pretty empty. I woke up and got on my bike to take a bunch of photos at 5AM and I think the best photo I got is the one I uploaded from the small journey. I would love to receive some feedback and what you think of my photo,
Thank you!

Maegan's Art

Hi, my name is Maegan. I am 13 turning 14 and I currently live in Singapore. I come from the UK but I've never lived there. I came to Singapore 2 years ago from Japan. I like to snowboard and ski and I use to rock climb. I have a younger brother, aged 10 in grade 4/year 5 and I have two cats but I really want a dog.

I really like art and I find it great fun, even if I'm no good at it. I really like Claude Monet and Leonardo De Vinci.

(Mona Lisa-Leonardo De Vinci)

 I think that they are some of the greatest artists in history to date. Something we did recently was a photograph of a meal/food that shows something about you as a person. I really like painting and drawing in general and I really like our current topic. I'm open to any feedback or suggestions from you for things that I need to improve on.

Jessica Subbaraman- Photography

Hi, Im Jessica. I am Half Japanese quarter Australian and quarter Indian. Im 13 years old and joined UWC last year. Before Singapore I lived in Japan for 3 year and Hong Kong for 8 Years. I have 2 sisters. I like to play sports, My favourite sport is netball. This is a picture of a sushi. Thanks, Jessica

Arran Art

Hi, I'm Arran O'Sullivan and i go to UWCSEA Dover, and have been going to this school for nearly 3 years now. I study art, and in art class, we create many different kinds of artwork, from painting, to photography, to clay work. Of all, I like drawing the most, as I find it very relaxing, but I also find photography interesting too.

I have done a lot of art this year in different units and topics. Recently, we took pictures of food, and here is my picture of toast for breakfast:

{Shiv} 8VGOod Art!

Hi, my name is Shiv.
I like quite a lot of things, a few are: tennis, video games, and sometimes making pictures online (photoshop etc).
Here is something I made from combining a few different objects (shivkazuto is the name of a Minecraft account I shared with my friend) + text, with an image editing tool:
Some types of art I like are 1) 3-D art and 2) (not sure if this is a specific type) multi-colored art
Here is an example of the second one:
I’m not sure; I’m just really amused by this type of art and I really like it.
It also seems that this took a ton of effort to make, and that’s another thing that I feel makes artists good! (I DIDN’T MAKE IT!!)
Thanks for reading! Here's a question for you; what type of art do you like?

Rafael Villanueva

Hello everyone,

My name is Rafael, I am originally from the Philippines but I have lived in Singapore for 7-8 years. I am a student at the United World College of South East Asia. I am the eldest of three brothers. I really like playing basketball and my favorite team is Cleveland Cavaliers while I really like Lebron James. I really love a bunch of activities such as basketball, football (american football) watching TV shows and reading. My favorite type of food is Japanese. I hope to one day be able to go to the US and watch an NBA game. My favorite types of art are just simple hand sketches and photography. 

I really like hand sketches as they can be as simple as a stick figure to be as complicated as a building. Also I love drawing regular objects or specific characters. Also I really like photography as you can take some pretty cool action shots which I really enjoy taking and viewing. I also like watching montages of really cool action shots especially sport action shots like the ones in those motivational videos. I feel I am relatively experienced in taking action shots as I try to do them as much as possible.

Gus Larbey

My name is Gus, I am 14 years old. I am half Australian and half Lithuanian, But I currently live in Singapore. I play Football, Rugby and Basketball competitively. I have a Black and white cat called Hugo. I only joined UWCSEA at the beginning of grade 7. This is a picture that I took of a ham and cheese sandwich.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Arjun Kohli's Art

Hello viewer, my name is Arjun Kohli. I am 14 years old and I live in Singapore. I speak English and I am also currently learning French in the school I attend which is UWCSEA Dover. I am in Grade 8 and I love to draw and design as I intend on becoming an architect when I grow up. Architecture is one of my favourite subjects to study and I love to design buildings in my free time like I have done in my artwork. I have one older brother that is about to attend college. I am also very passionate about tennis as I have played it for 6 years. I take my tennis very seriously. Below, you will see two pieces of artwork that I have drawn for one of my art assignments. We were studying perspective and it is one of my favourite styles to draw. I have drawn an empty road in the middle of a wasteland disappearing into the distance and my other drawing is supposed to promote a building that I have designed that I called “The Curb”. Please feel free to comment and suggest ways to improve any of these. Thanks lad.


Arjun Kohli.

Alard's Art

Hi, I am Alard and I am 14 years old. I was born in Germany and am half Cantonese and another half German. I love in Singapore since the the beginning of 2014 and have been going to United World College since. I have various different interests such as cooking (especially barbecuing) and I enjoy swimming. I like to take photographs and eat (in particular my own food). I take joy in travelling with my family as this is a great opportunity for me to learn new cultures, foods and sports. I go to UWCSEA in Singapore and am located at Dover campus. I was introduce to art at a very young age but have found Photography the most fun for me, however I also like sketching and some painting. I hope you can guys can give me some feedback on where I improve on, so that I wont make the same mistake twice. Thanks for readings this and hope you will be entertained by our Blog.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Adi's Art

Hi, I am Aditya and I am turning 14 this year. I am of Indian nationality and I go to a school named United World College of South East Asia. I joined UWCSEA in Grade 6, and this is currently my third year at UWCSEA. I have many various likes and interests. I enjoy playing sports, and especially enjoy playing football as I find it very fun and engaging. I have also recently started playing softball and I find it very interesting too. I also like reading books, particularly of crime fiction and sci-fi genres. My favourite type of art is photography as I like editing images, and I am better at taking photos rather than drawing or painting. I also like photography as I have the ability to take multiple photos, and choose the best one. Finally, I like photography as I believe that photography has the ability to convey messages and ideas stronger than other forms of art, such as paintings. Some advice I would like is would be how to improve on my artworks, as sometimes feedback can be very helpful and can help me improve on some areas, and can help change my artwork entirely. One thing I really enjoyed in art was the Chiang Mai Art Looking as we were able to express the contrast between Singapore and Thailand through our artworks. Below is a picture of my Chiang Mai Art Looking Log.

If there is anything you like about my art, on anywhere I could improve, please do not hesitate to leave a comment!

Chiang Mai Looking Log

Shanaya Ramchandani

Hey, I’m Shanaya Ramchandani! I am 14 years old. I am of Indian origin and I’ve lived in Sydney, Australia for seven years. My hometown is Mumbai in India and currently, I am living in Singapore. I just moved to UWCSEA this academic year and I moved to Singapore in June 2014. My hobbies include art, swimming and dance and I am learning professional Indian Classical dance. I have a younger brother who is 9 years old. These two paintings that I have made are a sequence and they are based on the Hindu God Krishna, and his beloved Radha. The lotus is of big symbolism in Hindu mythology so I decide to include that in my painting. Krishna plays the flute which also has symbolism. He is portrayed to be a bluish colour as apparently he was born from a lotus flower with its petals tinted blue and white. I hope you like this sequence of paintings, and I might add a third painting to the current two. I have made a few other canvases which you might see on this blog in the near future.
Shanaya Ramchandani.

Bohye's Chiang Mai Looking Log

Hi I am Bohye Park, I live in Singapore but I am originally from Korea. I was born there and lived there for 6 years. This year is my 9th year in Singapore and my 6th year in UWCSEA. I really like art because it is a very creative way to express myself. I really like to work with different materials like charcoal, paints and papers. I really like photography because it is kind of like a visual diary. I like travelling around the world and taking photos and trying new food.

In this class I really liked the Chiang Mai Art Looking Log because we got to show the contrast between Singapore and Thailand through different pieces of art. I really liked that we got to decide the layout and got to make the art pieces different from everyone else. I really liked that we got to have time in Chiang Mai to draw different pieces of art and document the memories we made over there. I think that giving us the choice are responsibility over our own looking logs made it even more personal and unique.

I am excited for the upcoming year to be able to try new units of art!

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