Monday 27 April 2015

Shanaya Ramchandani Art

Hey, I am Shanaya Ramchandani from UWCSEA Dover- 8VGo. The current assignment we are working on is about food and how food defines us. We were meant to click a picture of our favourite food or food representing our country and do a still life on it. The picture below is the picture I clicked and I am currently working on my still life. Italian has always been my favourite food since I was young, so I had to base this project around this cuisine. Pasta is definitely my favourite Italian food, I enjoy eating it, cooking it and I've tried to make past from scratch a few times (however, it didn't turn out very well). I had gone to a restaurant where we ordered a Pesto, an Arrabiata, and a Bechamel base pasta, so I decided to use this for my still life. The second picture, is strawberries dipped in Nutella. Anyone who knows me, will probably know that I am absolutely obsessed with Nutella, I could have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! I very recently started liking strawberries, and I love the combination of the two. So, I set it up in a plate and took a picture of that as well. Since I couldn't decide which picture to choose, I'm doing a collaboration of the two for my still life painting. I can't wait to finish it and share it with you :)

Shanaya Ramchandani.  

Sunday 26 April 2015

Jong's Art

   Hello! My name is Jong. I am 14 years old and I'm Korean. It is my first year of UWCSEA Dover in Singapore. I lived in Korea for 12 years. My hobby is playing football. When I was young, I had a dream of being a football player, but 3 years ago, I broke my leg, so I gave up my dream. So now, I play football just as my hobby. It's sad, but I'm just happy that I can play football. As I finished primary school in Korea, I really miss my friends. 
   I really love chocolate, and I almost have it everyday after school as a snack. My sister buys me a chocolate waffle everyday, and I usually buy a chocolate bar and chocolate milk from Fair price(supermarket). This image is chocolate ice cream, milk, biscuit, sticks, and a bar. I hope you like my photo. Thank you!